2011-2015 Visual Arts, Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg (MFA)
2004-2008 Scenography, Academie Minerva Groningen (BFA), NL
2002-2004 Musicology, University of Hamburg, DE
Awards | Grants
2024 Kunstpreis Wesseling
2022 Work Grant | Neustart Kultur | MWK Niedersachsen
2022 Project Grant | MachWerk | Stadt Oldenburg
2021 Research Grant | Fonds Darstellende Künste
2021 Project Grant | MWK Niedersachsen
2020 Project Grant | Strukturbrücke | Stadt Oldenburg
2015 Bayreuth Scholarship | Richard-Wagner-Scholarship Foundation
2013 Work Grant | Freundeskreis der HfbK Hamburg e.V.
2011-13 Akademie Musiktheater heute | Deutsche Bank Foundation
2008 Academy Minerva Award
2007 Work Grant | Stockholm | De Groot Brugmans Fonds
Check Your Dogma! | DA! Art-Award | Stadtmuseum Düsseldorf
40 Jahre Kunstschule Oldenburg | Landesmuseum Oldenburg
Drunter & Drüber | group exhibition | Kunstverein Wesseling
been there, done that | performance | theater k | Oldenburg
Kommt Zeit... | group exhibition | nachtspeicher 23 | Hamburg
Carousel / Arcade | BOSMOS | installation | Oldenburgisches Staatstheater / Universität Oldenburg / klangpol
Preview | group exhibition | nachtspeicher 23 | Hamburg
Kunst am Baum | group exhibition | Raum PRO | Bremen
Ein Viertel | group exhibition | Treuhand Weser-Ems
ausgezeichnet! | 9. Oldenburger Zeichenfestival
Art Matters | group exhibition | Galerie Biesenbach | Cologne
alabaster_und von horizonten | group exhibition | Bremen
Neue Werke | group exhibition | Artothek Oldenburg
In Tokio ist es still | Wilhelm 13 | Oldenburg
Nacht der Museen | group exhibition | Stadtmuseum Oldenburg
Break on through | solo exhibition | Seefelder Mühle | Stadland
Arcade | installation | BOSMOS | Hamburg, Worpswede, Oldenburg
Carousel | BOSMOS | Oldenburg
Surfing | group exhibition | Alfa Gallery Miami
Fürchtet Euch nicht | group exhibition | Die Loge | Oldenburg
Booth 08 | group exhibition | Alfa Gallery Miami
XS | group exhibition | Alfa Gallery Miami
Soweit erstmal... | solo exhibition | Treuhand Weser-Ems
The Black Performance | BOSMOS | State Theatre Oldenburg
Formt und färbt Euch! | solo exhibition | Kunstforum Oldenburg
Transformart | group exhibition | Berlin
Artig Kunstpreis | group exhibition | Galerie Kunstreich | Kempten
Puttrik | puppet theatre | Teater Sesam Göteborg
Don Quixote | puppet theatre | Teater Sesam Göteborg
Beasts | Christian Concilio / Theater Orange | Hamburg
Songs from a telephone | theater playstation | Hamburg
Barricades and Dances | dance | Kampnagel | Hamburg
Protagonisten | BOSMOS | HfbK Hamburg
BOSMOS | BOSMOS | Down the Rabbit Hole - Festival (NL)
Love Affairs | opera | Deutsche Oper Berlin
De Poolse Minnaar | opera | Kammeroper Zwolle (NL)
Concrete Jungle | BOSMOS | Theater Amersfoort (NL)
Landscape of Light | group exhibition | Valdstejn Loggia Jičín (CZ)
Midgetgolf Mania Art Show | group exhibition | Groningen (NL)
Narziss und die Revolution | Kampnagel | Hamburg
Argenore | opera | Schlosstheater Rheinsberg
Tokio 3.6 V | BOSMOS | Paradiso Amsterdam, Noorderzon Festival
Das Schweben schwerer Gegenstände über Deinem Schopf | group exhibition | Künstlerhaus Sootbörn | Hamburg
Micromorfose | theatre installation | Collectief KG | Amersfoort (NL)
TOKIO | BOSMOS | Trefkoel Groningen (NL)
Bosmachine | BOSMOS | Festival Worteldagen (NL)
Shoes are made for walking | dance performance | Barcelona / Rotterdam
Choreographies for 4 Cows | at PeerGrouP | Veenhuizen (NL)
Blauwgrijs | BOSMOS | Theater Machinefabriek | Groningen (NL)
El Cuadramelocio | dance performance | Rotterdam
Trippa Trappa Tvillingpappa | Cirkus Cirkör | Stockholm